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Margaret R. Folger, who at the time she was recognized with a Massey Award had worked for the University for 33 years ― 27 of those in undergraduate admissions ― and was cited as being an inspiration to her colleagues “for her strong role in admitting first-rate students and her humane care for those told not to come.”

As senior associate director in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Folger worked primarily with first-year admissions along with three other associate directors and other staff members. In 1989, that job involved making decisions to admit about 3,200 first-years from some 16,500 applications.

“During 27 years of pressure-cooker service, [Folger] has justly earned for herself and for the University the reputation of making fair decisions and of freely giving compassionate understanding and healing counsel to countless thousands of students and families suffering the hurt of a ‘No’ answer.”

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