Elizabeth Majette Parker was secretary in various schools in the University between the late 1930s and the 1960s. From 1967 to 1978, she was the leader of the project to assemble a comprehensive General Alumni Directory which involved organizing information on every Carolia student from 1795 to the date of her work. She was cited:
Undertaking compilation of a General Alumni Directory, the leader of the project with a vision of future needs, Parker conceived, organized and developed a computerized system of student records that captured and encoded significant data for every student from 1795 to the date of her work and provided means to preserve such data for the future. Her work served not only the General Alumni Association and smaller alumni groups within the University, but also the Office of Records and Registration. Never yielding on meticulous standards of research scholarship, she capped a long career of institutional service by bringing to her culminating work that extra measure of devotion that turned a difficult task into an act of creation ― for which Elizabeth Majette Parker richly merited a C. Knox Massey Distinguished Service award in 1981.